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One of the main topics covered at Connection Camp was team “unity.”



Naseer told the media in this location that the purpose of the high-profile gathering, which was given the moniker Connection Camp, was to settle the disputes before the national team’s hectic schedule began.

Before outlining the main topics of conversation, which included cooperation and unity, the PCB COO admitted that both the national team and management had performed worse than expected.

“With our busy schedules, it was a good time to get together and talk about things,” Naseer added.

We brainstormed about three to four key topics, and I believe it was necessary at the time because, as we all know, management and players may improvise their performances.

The premise of the Connection Camp also included getting together to discuss problems, areas for improvement, our goal, and the necessary measures to realize it.

In order to achieve success, we created a plan outlining how to rekindle our brilliance and the necessary actions.

“It was a transparent and open session where we were able to have honest conversations with each other about cooperation, unity, and ways to enhance our communication.”

Regarding the lack of togetherness within the squad, Salman Naseer acknowledged that the Connection Camp addressed this issue as well.

The purpose of today’s session was to address these issues as well, including how we must cooperate as a team because this is a team sport and how we can honestly, openly, and transparently accept, identify, and ask for commitment from each other.

Nonetheless, Gary Kirsten, the head coach of Pakistan’s white-ball team, declared Connection Camp a success before claiming that the participants had mainly fulfilled the event’s objective.

“It was a great connecting camp. We talked about helping one another, and I think the main goal of our meeting has been mostly met. To restore Pakistan cricket’s pride, everyone has demonstrated a sincere commitment, according to Kirsten.

Kirsten’s comments were supported by Pakistan red-ball head coach Jason Gillespie, who called the Connection Camp an amazing experience.

“Having a meal together was a great chance. This was the ideal opportunity for us to connect with one another, as Gillespie stated.

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In the context of bilateral relations, Pakistan and Bangladesh are working together to promote economic growth and meet mutual interests.




The countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh are on the verge of forming a partnership to investigate potential avenues of collaboration that have the potential to spur economic expansion, encourage cultural interchange, and improve mutual comprehension.

During his speech at a recent ceremony that took place in Karachi, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh, Muhammad Ruhul Alam, mentioned these goals and underlined the significance of collaboration between the two countries in order to create a more promising future.

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There is a significant increase in trade between the United Kingdom and Pakistan, as discussed by the United Kingdom’s Trade Commissioner.




In order to investigate potential ways to improve trade between the two countries, the United Kingdom’s Trade Commissioner, Oliver Christian, facilitated a meeting with Jam Kamal, the Federal Minister of Commerce of Pakistan.

During the discussion, it was brought to everyone’s attention that collaboration between different industries and a business-to-business matchmaking approach are both necessary in order to target growth areas in both countries.

When it comes to the food industry, Jam Kamal stressed Pakistan’s enormous potential, particularly in terms of quality enhancement.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the Minister emphasized the Government’s commitment to boosting commerce, which is particularly important.

During his presentation, Kamal emphasized the prospects for future exports, including olive products, and he cited Pakistan’s expanding exports in other industries, such as it, mining, horticulture, and dairy.

In recognition of Pakistan’s enormous potential, the United Kingdom’s Trade Commissioner expressed his unwavering support for the expansion of trade volume between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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Introducing a New Era for the Reko Diq Project: An Update on the Reko Diq Project




There are some of the greatest copper and gold reserves in the world, and the Reko Diq Project, which is located in the Chagai District of Balochistan, is an important development endeavor. Additionally, the project recently received a boost with a 15% investment offer from Saudi Arabia. The project is scheduled to generate 200,000 tons of copper and 250,000 ounces of gold yearly for more than half a century.

In December 2022, Reko Diq will undergo a restructuring that will allow it to conform to worldwide standards. It is anticipated that this will result in the creation of 8,000 employment upon completion, with 4,000 long-term posts being created during production. In addition to reducing Pakistan’s reliance on fuel imported from other countries, it will improve Pakistan’s energy capacity.

Additionally, Barrick Gold is installing water treatment facilities, as well as schools and healthcare services, in the areas that it operates in.

The opening of medical services in Chagai was made possible by a partnership with the Indus Hospital and Health Network (IHHN). Community health centers have been established in the areas of Humaai and Nokundi, in addition to a mobile health unit that is designed to serve villages that are smaller.

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