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Strange structures discovered in black hole heart of Milky Way



Scientists have discovered swarms of strange elongated structures that look like strands flailing towards a super colossal black hole sitting in the core of the galaxy.

According to the researchers, these threads are 5 to 10 light-years long.

The lead expert of the research Professor Farhad Yusef-Zadeh from Northwestern University said: “It was a surprise to suddenly find a new population of structures that seem to be pointing in the direction of the black hole.”

The research is described in a paper, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“I was actually stunned when I saw these. We had to do a lot of work to establish that we weren’t fooling ourselves. And we found that these filaments are not random but appear to be tied to the outflow of our black hole.”

“By studying them, we could learn more about the black hole’s spin and accretion disk orientation. It is satisfying when one finds order in a middle of a chaotic field of the nucleus of our galaxy.”

This artistic impression shows a compact black hole 11 times as massive as the Sun and the five-solar-mass star orbiting it, located in NGC 1850. — AFP/File
This artistic impression shows a compact black hole 11 times as massive as the Sun and the five-solar-mass star orbiting it, located in NGC 1850. — AFP/File

Astronomers believe that these structures came out as a result of some spatial activity a few million years ago, however, there is no definite explanation for this phenomenon or its origin.

In 1980, Professor Yusef-Zadeh discovered one-dimensional, gigantic filaments in our galaxy, near Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way.

The new structures were previously untapped and are shorter and lie across, spreading out from the black hole.

He said: “We have always been thinking about vertical filaments and their origin. I’m used to them being vertical. I never considered there might be others along the plane.”

The previously discovered filaments were vertical and much longer, with large in number.

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Microsoft and BlackRock are set to establish a $30 billion fund for artificial intelligence infrastructure.




AI models, particularly those employed in deep learning and extensive data processing, necessitate considerable computer power, resulting in increased energy usage.

The computational demands of AI have compelled technology firms to interconnect thousands of chips in clusters to attain the requisite data processing capacity, resulting in a significant increase in the demand for specialized data centers.

The investment entity, termed Global AI Infrastructure Investment Partnership, seeks to improve AI supply chains and energy procurement, according to BlackRock and Microsoft.

MGX, the investment firm supported by Abu Dhabi, will serve as a general partner in the fund, while Nvidia (NVDA.O), a manufacturer of AI chips, will provide its expertise.

The collaboration is expected to generate a total investment potential of up to $100 billion, inclusive of loan funding, according to the corporations.

The investments will primarily be in the United States, with the remainder allocated to partner countries, as stated by the firms.

The Financial Times initially reported on the development.

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Pakistan ascends 14 positions in the UN E-Government Index 2024.




This significant breakthrough signifies Pakistan’s shift from the “Middle EGDI category” to the “High EGDI category” for the first time, indicating considerable improvements in digital government capabilities.

The nation’s E-Government Development Index has risen to 0.5095, an increase from 0.42380 in 2022. Although Pakistan remains behind global leaders such as Denmark (0.9847) and regional leaders like Singapore (0.969) and the Maldives (0.6745), this enhancement is a significant accomplishment.

Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima Khawaja has reaffirmed the government’s dedication to establishing a digital Pakistan.

During an event in Islamabad on Wednesday, she underscored the necessity for collaborative endeavors to promote innovation among the youth.

She asserted that the private sector ought to have a pivotal role in realizing a digital Pakistan. Shaza Fatima said that the administration is endeavoring to deliver exceptional stable and rapid internet connectivity.

She emphasized that Pakistan’s position in the UN’s e-governance development index had ascended by fourteen points. She stated that we are one of two Asian countries that have advanced from the medium tier to the top tier of digital e-governance, characterizing this as a notable accomplishment.

The Minister of State further asserted that Pakistan has made significant advancements in cyber security, attaining a premier rank in this field.

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AI detecting techniques are going to be introduced by YouTube.




The artificial intelligence (AI) tools that YouTube plans to introduce have been unveiled. Using artificial intelligence technology, these technologies intend to assist in identifying individuals, voices, and music inside videos found on YouTube.

With the help of artificial intelligence synthetic sounds, the company has improved its Content ID system so that it can identify instances of copyright violations in songs.

The new function, which identifies artificial sounds emulating those of artificial singers, notifies users. The first edition will be made available to the public the next year, and then it will be taken to a more widespread audience.

A feature that will assist in recognizing deepfake faces in videos is also being introduced by YouTube.

It will be possible for consumers to be aware of the fact that their faces are being utilized in videos that were produced by artificial intelligence without their permission.

A greater degree of control over the video platform is intended to be granted to celebrities and artists.

Those who are impacted have the ability to contact YouTube’s privacy request mechanism in order to request that films of this nature be removed from the platform.

A guideline that previously designated such videos as artificial intelligence or content that was misleading is currently being strengthened and modified by the firm.

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