The rupee on Tuesday tumbled against the US dollar by Rs4 in the open market due to prevailing political uncertainty and falling exports and remittances. The...
Tesla has launched two less expensive, shorter-range variants of its Model S car and Model X SUV in the United States, continuing its focus on lowering...
WhatsApp, the Meta-owned social messaging platform, brings yet another feature for its users, making their life easier and free from the hassle of switching to different...
Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York have confirmed that July 2023 was hotter than...
President Alvi sends a letter to PM Shehbaz and Raja Riaz. President informs both leaders about Article 224A.PM and NA opposition leader expected to hold 2nd round...
Diary reveals Bushra Bibi’s control on Imran Khan’s diet. It also shed’s light on Bushra Bibi’s role in legal matters. Diary includes entrances about the governor’s rule. An...
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Thursday asserted that the contents of the US cipher bolsters party chief Imran Khan’s narrative that his government was ousted under...
ISLAMABAD: The JIT probing the cipher issue was nearing the conclusion of its findings but the latest publication of alleged content of the secret cable document...
ISLAMABAD: The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) Thursday said that there was no restriction on hospitals or the common man on importing vital medicines (anti-cancer...
Lifting pandemic-era restrictions, Beijing resumed outbound group tours for its citizens to around 80 countries including Pakistan, announced China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Friday....