The instant messaging service WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, has introduced a new function to improve group chat security. Referred to as “context cards,” this...
The revelation that Ayeza Khan’s real name is Kinzah, which shocked many fans who have followed the couple’s journey, was made in a video clip of...
In seven operations, more than 371 kg of drugs were confiscated, and six suspected people were taken into custody, according to an Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) spokesman...
A case has been filed in the Lahore High Court contesting the right of sensitive institutions to monitor phones. A government notification that allows sensitive authorities...
The province-wide deputy commissioners have been instructed to exercise caution by the PDMA due to the persistent rainfall in Rawalpindi, Murree, Attock, Jhelum, Sialkot, and Gujrat....
Fast bowler Shaheen Shah Afridi of Pakistan is accused of misbehaving with the coaches during tour visits to Ireland and England, as well as the recently...
In the continuous fight against terrorism, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif has stated that he is a strong supporter of security agencies’ phone tapping practices. The Pakistan...
As a result of the low pressure system that brought about the rain in the port city heading towards Oman from Karachi, Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz...
Supervisor of CTD Raja Umar Khatab has reported that the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) apprehended railway employees Sanaullah and Gul Islam during a raid at Cantt...
Six armed individuals reportedly broke into Muhammad Shehzad’s tractor showroom and held family members at gunpoint. These sources are from law enforcement. They stole gold ornaments...