According to a local entertainment journal, Hamza Sohail, a young actor and the son of legendary actor-comedian Sohail Ahmed, has secured his second project for an...
Early this week, in the middle of the global upsurge in incidents of female harassment, young actor Sehar Khan encouraged all females to purchase self-defense equipment...
Famed for his influential performances in several television dramas, the actor comes from a family of entertainers, with his sisters, Humaima Malick and Dua Malik, being...
With the creation of the first AI-generated music video in Pakistan, pop icon Ali Zafar has made history in the music industry of his native nation....
Nine years later, actor Merub Ali, who grew up in Saudi Arabia, went back to the nation to conduct Umrah, traveling to the holy city of...
Yumna Zaidi’s debut film, “Nayab,” is still making waves in the film industry. It is the product of Pakistan. The picture has been selected to be...
Actress Nimra Khan says she resisted her attackers and stopped a kidnapping attempt. She described the terrifying experience in an emotional video she sent to her...
During a recent morning program appearance on a private TV channel, Bushra talked about her personal life, career, and relationship with her ex-husband. She was accompanied...
When addressing Indian media, Saeed highlighted the show’s popularity and called the reaction to Barzakh “overwhelming.” “Barzakh has a few elements that really caught people’s interest....
While making a recent appearance at an event in Washington, D.C., Yumna—who is presently touring the United States with her co-star Wahaj Ali—received mixed reviews for...