On Friday, officials were ordered by the Lahore High Court to turn Multan into a “green city” in order to lessen the consequences of environmental pollution.
On Tahir Jamal’s petition, LHC Justice Jawad Hassan rendered a thorough decision.
In order to have its own 2020 order put into effect, the petitioner had prayed before the court.
The responsible officials were instructed by the court to create a strong plan for turning Multan into a green city.
All departments were instructed to designate spokespersons by the LHC.
All parties involved in this matter must be consulted, according to the specified instructions.
A long-term strategy is needed to address Multan’s environmental contamination and declining AQI, according to Justice Jawad Hassan.
Every department was ordered by the court to provide a report on a monthly basis.
The written directive stated that Multan’s efforts to address the pollution were insufficient.
The director general of PHA Multan told the court that 14,825 trees were planted in the city in 2024.
According to the director general of PHA, DG Khan, 28,471 trees were planted in 2024.
10,560 trees were planted in private housing societies by the Multan Development Authority, it was further said.
The court ordered that the matter be heard on the first Tuesday of each month.