Following confrontations on Monday, police in Karachi, Sukkur, and Hyderabad detained four accused robbers. After being injured during the shootouts, they were taken into custody by...
In the province capital, Madhu Lal Hussain’s 436th annual three-day urs festivities will get underway on Saturday. Secretary Auqaf Dr. Tahir Raza will execute the customary...
The KP Assembly meeting was presided over by newly elected speaker Babar Saleem Swati, who took the oath of office yesterday. For the position of Khyber...
Du Plooy shared details on his first-ever PSL playing experience with the media following the game. “Even though this is my first visit, Mickey Arthur has...
The operation in Arif Wala was headed by the director general of PFA. When the teams examined two water units, they discovered that they were involved...
According to the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association, the price of 10 grammes of 24 karat gold increased by Rs772 to Rs184,928 from Rs184,156, while the...
Nawal Saeed, who is gaining popularity for her outstanding performance in the smash ARY Digital series “Jaan-e-Jahan,” made an appearance as a guest on a private...
Earlier on Wednesday, the OGRA has sent a summary to the federal government for increasing petrol to Rs3 per litre. The OGRA has also suggested an...
According to President Dr. Arif Alvi, adopting preventative measures against various ailments is essential to avoiding costly treatment, and these practices would also lessen the strain...
Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the PML-N, presided over a meeting of the party at Parliament House in Islamabad. Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has been declared by...