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SIFC Approves 50 MMCFD of Gas: Anticipated 35% Increase in LPG Imports



The Special Investment Facilitation Council continues to play a vital role in enhancing Pakistan’s energy industry and fostering industrial operations. Measures are being implemented to authorize a daily gas supply of 50 million cubic feet.
To provide a dependable gas supply for National Steel Complex Ltd., alternatives such as local gas sources and imported LNG are under consideration. This project is anticipated to foster industrial growth, generate employment, and enhance the economy.
The Government emphasizes stable energy prices and a robust local economy. Maintaining a reliable energy supply is essential for fostering industrial growth.
Engro Vopak Terminal Ltd. has solicited the Port Qasim Authority to augment facilities for the uninterrupted supply of LPG and liquid chemicals. Augmenting the terminal’s capacity will optimize operations and elevate efficiency.
LPG imports are projected to increase by 35%, thereby enhancing industrial operations and fortifying the economy.


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