Meta-owned WhatsApp always brings out the best updates for its users, making it easier for them to enjoy the experience while connecting with their loved ones. The messaging...
OpenAI, the creator of the popular chatbot ChatGPT, has released a software tool to identify text generated by artificial intelligence, the company said in a blog post on...
YouTube, Arizona State University, and Crash Course, the well-known YouTube channel of writers and brothers Hank and John Green, have announced an astonishing expansion of their...
Meta-owned WhatsApp is once again working on a new update for its users, making their experience smooth and better while chatting with their family and friends. The instant messaging app...
Meta-owned WhatsApp is once again rolling out a new update for its users, allowing them to have a smooth and better experience while connecting with their loved ones. ...
Meta-owned WhatsApp has been introducing newer features and making the application’s usage easy for its users. Despite billions of people using the messaging app, several users...
WASHINGTON: Astronomers have detected in the stellar halo that represents the Milky Way’s outer limits a group of stars more distant from Earth than any known within our...
Meta-owned WhatsApp has been introducing newer features and making the application’s usage easy for its users. The instant messaging app is working on a block shortcut update right within the...
LONDON: Hackers stole the email addresses of more than 200 million Twitter users and posted them on an online hacking forum, a security researcher said Wednesday. The breach...
WASHINGTON: Former US astronaut Walter Cunningham, who flew to space aboard Apollo 7 in 1968 on the inaugural crewed Apollo mission that paved the way for the first...