Instant messaging app WhatsApp has been introducing new features for its users in the last few days and is introducing another update called “new camera mode”, WaBetaInfo reported Wednesday. WhatsApp...
Compared to 43 ministries, highest increase in exports has occurred in IT and telecommunication. Exports of information telecommunication and telecommunication have increased by 47.44%. IT minister...
WhatsApp is back with its latest update for users who’ve been waiting to see their avatars on the app. Users now have a new way to...
All Meta-owned social media platforms restored. Restoration was done within minutes of outage. Social platforms were down earlier this week as well. Meta-owned social media platforms WhatsApp,...
A robotics company is claiming that it has developed the world’s fastest shoes called Moonwalkers which can increase the speed of walking by three times. What...
Researchers who set the record for the highest-resolution microscope in 2018 outdid their own performance by capturing the most detailed image of an atom via a device that magnifies...
WhatsApp’s latest update is one of its much-awaited features, as it will now let users experience the app more creatively. According to WABetaInfo, a website providing...
We have fixed the issue and apologise for any inconvenience, says WhatsApp’s parent company Meta. The company did not disclose the reason for the outage. WhatsApp...
WhatsApp is introducing a beta version of its latest update for Android users, which will make audio and video calling easy for users. The feature was...
TAIPEI: Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn unveiled two more electric vehicle prototypes on Tuesday, including a pickup truck, saying commercial production on two other designs would start...