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The UN’s’s research predicts that the population of Pakistan will reach 400 million by the year 2092.



Based on the latest projections in the UN’s World Population Prospects 2024 report, Pakistan is expected to reach its highest population in 2092, with an estimated 404.68 million individuals.

Pakistan’s population is projected to exceed that of Indonesia by 2048, reaching 331.29 million.

The report stated that Pakistan’s average population growth rate between 1998 and 2017 was 2.40%. With a population above 220 million, the annual growth rate amounts to approximately 5.28 million individuals.

It was highlighted that Pakistan has a birth rate of 22 births per 1,000 individuals, which is one of the highest rates in the world. Only a small number of women in Pakistan utilize any form of contraception, and the rapidly growing population can exert excessive strain on water and sanitary infrastructure, leading to millions of individuals being unemployed and overwhelming health and education systems.

According to the research, the population of Pakistan has experienced a substantial increase since it gained independence in 1947. This can be attributed to a growing number of individuals who have chosen to relocate their families and companies to the region.

Pakistan’s growth rate is around 2.1 percent greater than that of other countries in the region.

According to the survey, if the current growth rate continues, the population of Pakistan is projected to double its 2001 size in around 35 years. Based on the substantial increase in population within a span of only ten years, the statement suggests that the claim of a “doubled population” is likely accurate.

Pakistan’s present growth rate stands at over 2%, although it is projected to decrease by half to less than 1% by the year 2050. At that point, it is anticipated to surpass the $300 million mark.

According to the analysis, the world population is projected to reach approximately 8.2 billion by mid-2024 and is anticipated to increase by an additional two billion over the next 60 years. It is estimated to reach its highest point at roughly 10.3 billion in the mid-2080s.

Subsequently, the population will decrease to approximately 10.2 billion, which is 700 million below the anticipated figure from ten years ago. This is one of the main discoveries disclosed in the report released by the United Nations on Thursday.

Nevertheless, global population changes are not uniform, and the demographic makeup is undergoing transformation, characterized by swift population growth in certain regions and rapid aging in others. This highlights the increasing significance of accurate population data, as emphasized by the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA). The agency’s statement coincides with the release of a report on World Population Day.

The agency emphasized that the report should be utilized to address and cater to the requirements of individuals who have been neglected or overlooked.

On the occasion of International Day, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the importance of conducting an accurate census of every individual, as each person holds significance.

“The strength of our diverse society depends on the resilience of its most vulnerable individuals.” When data and other systems are inclusive of those who are marginalized, they benefit all individuals. This is our approach to expediting advancement for everyone.

The 28th edition of World Population Prospects (WPP), published by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) since 1951, offers detailed demographic data for 237 nations from 1950 to 2024, as well as estimates until 2100.

The WPP plays a vital role in monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals, as approximately 25% of the indicators depend on its data.

The global fertility rates have experienced a decline, with women now having an average of one child less than they did in 1990.

The average fertility rate in over half of all countries and localities is below 2.1, which is the threshold for a population to sustain its size.

Currently, around 20% of nations and regions, such as China, Italy, South Korea, and Spain, are experiencing “ultra-low fertility,” characterized by a total fertility rate of less than 1.4 live births per woman throughout her lifetime.

By 2024, the population in 63 countries and places, such as China, Germany, Japan, and the Russian Federation, will have reached its highest point. However, it is estimated that the entire population of this group will decrease by 14 percent over the next three decades.

The global population is experiencing a gradual increase in average age.

According to projections, by the late 2070s, the population of those aged 65 years or older is expected to exceed the population of individuals under 18 years old.

This can be attributed, at least in part, to the general rise in life expectancy and decline in death rates observed in the last three decades. By the late 2050s, almost 50% of worldwide fatalities will happen at the age of 80 or above, which is a significant rise from the 17% recorded in 1995.

Population stagnation or decline is primarily observed in high-income countries, whereas low-income and lower-middle-income countries will experience a strong population increase.

Angola, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, and Somalia are expected to have significant population growth, with their combined population estimated to double between 2024 and 2054.

The population rise will lead to an increased demand for resources, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. This, along with inadequately managed urbanization and improving living standards, will exacerbate environmental consequences.

Countries heavily dependent on agriculture are most affected by climate change, which poses a significant challenge and exacerbates food insecurity.

The population of nations such as India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the United States is projected to continue growing until 2054 and may reach its highest point in the second half of the century or beyond.

Secretary-General Guterres emphasized that the fundamental principles of sustainable development revolve around acknowledging the importance of women’s sexual and reproductive health as well as their reproductive rights.

Early pregnancies continue to pose a significant issue, especially in low-income nations.

In 2024, around 4.7 million infants, accounting for roughly 3.5 percent of the global total, were delivered by mothers who were under the age of 18.

Out of them, around 340,000 were born to adolescent mothers under the age of 15, resulting in significant repercussions for the health and overall welfare of both the young mothers and their children.

According to WPP data, directing resources towards the education of young individuals, particularly girls, and raising the minimum ages for marriage and having the first child in countries where these events occur at an early age will result in favorable consequences for women’s health, educational achievements, and involvement in the workforce.

The research stated that these endeavors will additionally aid in diminishing the magnitude of investments needed to attain sustainable development while simultaneously assuring that no individuals are excluded.


The PSX has resumed operations, achieving a gain of 970 points.




The optimistic close at the PSX was propelled by rumors preceding the International Monetary Fund (IMF) executive board meeting on September 25, at which the approval of a $7 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) is expected, stated Ahsan Mehanti of Arif Habib Commodities.

Strong economic indicators, such as increasing remittances, escalating exports, and a declining trade deficit, further bolstered investor confidence. Furthermore, the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) commitment to a $2 billion yearly concessional loan until 2027, along with a robust rupee, significantly contributed to the market’s favorable performance, he stated.

Widespread purchasing at the PSX was noted among blue-chip stocks, with major players like Mari Petroleum (MARI), Engro Fertilizers (EFERT), United Bank Limited (UBL), Meezan Bank Limited (MEBL), and Fauji Fertilizer Company (FFC) recording substantial increases. According to Topline Securities, these stocks collectively resulted in a significant 682-point increase in the index.

Pioneer Cement Limited (PIOC) announced its fiscal year 2024 results, revealing a profits per share (EPS) of Rs 22.79 and a cash dividend of Rs 10 per share. This announcement contributed to the favorable sentiment in the market.

Trading volume surpassed 400.2 million shares, resulting in a total turnover of Rs15.9 billion. Worldcall Telecom Limited (WTL) topped the volume chart, transacting more than 32.2 million shares.

The Large Scale Manufacturing Index (LSMI) demonstrated a year-on-year (YoY) gain of 2.4% in July 2024. This expansion was propelled by multiple critical areas.

Tobacco experienced a significant increase of 90.2%, establishing it as the foremost contributor to the LSMI growth. Conversely, the automotive sector witnessed a substantial increase of 72.0%, indicating robust demand and output.

The transport equipment category experienced an 11.7% increase, signifying robust growth in the manufacturing of transport-related machinery and equipment. The other manufacturing sector experienced a gain of 10.7%, positively impacting the overall LSMI.

Nevertheless, not all industries exhibited strong performance. The leading decliner was the fabricated metal sector, which experienced an 18.4% decrease, signifying a contraction in metal product manufacturing. The electrical equipment industry experienced a substantial decline of 19.4%, indicative of reduced output levels.

In July 2024, the LSMI decreased by 2.1% on a month-on-month (MoM) basis. This fall signifies a minor contraction in manufacturing operations relative to the preceding month, although the favorable year-on-year growth.

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Microsoft and BlackRock are set to establish a $30 billion fund for artificial intelligence infrastructure.




AI models, particularly those employed in deep learning and extensive data processing, necessitate considerable computer power, resulting in increased energy usage.

The computational demands of AI have compelled technology firms to interconnect thousands of chips in clusters to attain the requisite data processing capacity, resulting in a significant increase in the demand for specialized data centers.

The investment entity, termed Global AI Infrastructure Investment Partnership, seeks to improve AI supply chains and energy procurement, according to BlackRock and Microsoft.

MGX, the investment firm supported by Abu Dhabi, will serve as a general partner in the fund, while Nvidia (NVDA.O), a manufacturer of AI chips, will provide its expertise.

The collaboration is expected to generate a total investment potential of up to $100 billion, inclusive of loan funding, according to the corporations.

The investments will primarily be in the United States, with the remainder allocated to partner countries, as stated by the firms.

The Financial Times initially reported on the development.

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Pakistan ascends 14 positions in the UN E-Government Index 2024.




This significant breakthrough signifies Pakistan’s shift from the “Middle EGDI category” to the “High EGDI category” for the first time, indicating considerable improvements in digital government capabilities.

The nation’s E-Government Development Index has risen to 0.5095, an increase from 0.42380 in 2022. Although Pakistan remains behind global leaders such as Denmark (0.9847) and regional leaders like Singapore (0.969) and the Maldives (0.6745), this enhancement is a significant accomplishment.

Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima Khawaja has reaffirmed the government’s dedication to establishing a digital Pakistan.

During an event in Islamabad on Wednesday, she underscored the necessity for collaborative endeavors to promote innovation among the youth.

She asserted that the private sector ought to have a pivotal role in realizing a digital Pakistan. Shaza Fatima said that the administration is endeavoring to deliver exceptional stable and rapid internet connectivity.

She emphasized that Pakistan’s position in the UN’s e-governance development index had ascended by fourteen points. She stated that we are one of two Asian countries that have advanced from the medium tier to the top tier of digital e-governance, characterizing this as a notable accomplishment.

The Minister of State further asserted that Pakistan has made significant advancements in cyber security, attaining a premier rank in this field.

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