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Transgenders cannot identify themselves as male or female, rules Federal Shariat Court



  • A person’s gender cannot be determined by their feelings, says court.
  • Says no one can be declared transgender based on physical features.
  • Court says responsibility of govt to ensure rights of transgender persons.

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Shariat Court (FSC) on Friday ruled that it was not for the transgenders to decide their identity as male or female, and they were not allowed to change their gender based only on their self-proclaimed feelings and desires.

The order was announced by the Acting Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court Dr Syed Muhammad Anwer and Justice Khadim Hussain Shaikh on a petition challenging the Transgender Act.

The court made it clear in its order that gender was related to a person’s biological sex, and that it has a specific bearing on how various forms of worship, including daily prayers, fasting, Hajj, etc are performed in Islam.

“A person’s gender cannot be determined by their feelings,” said the ruling and added: “Shariah does not permit anyone to have their gender reassigned because of impotence as the gender remains the same as it was at birth”.

“No one can be declared transgender based on physical features and self-made identity,” said the verdict and added that the gender of an individual would be determined by their dominant physical features or secondary sex characters.

The court stated that those exhibiting dominant male features would be considered male transgenders and those having dominant female secondary sex characters would be deemed female transgenders.

The court, however, ruled that it was the responsibility of the government to ensure the rights of transgender persons as “Islam provides them will all human rights”.

“If a man or a woman calls themselves transgender outside of their biological sex then it is against Shariah,” said the verdict.

The verdict stated that Section 7 and Section 3 of the Transgender Protection Act were against Islam and Shariah. The court also struck down Section 2F of the Transgender Act.

The court also declared that the rules made under the Transgender Protection Act as “illegal”.

The act

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act was passed by Pakistan’s Parliament in 2018. The law prohibits discrimination against transgender people in schools, workplaces and public spaces, as well as ensures their right to vote, inherit property and run for public office.

In 2022, politicians from religious political parties, including the Jamat-e-Islami and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Pakistan-Fazl, kicked up a row, insisting that the law is against Islamic tenets and should be immediately amended.

Social media users and conservative politicians accuse the law of permitting gender-reassignment surgeries, same-sex marriages, and cross-dressing. They also claim that since 2018, when the law was passed, over 23,000 people have changed their genders.

The claim that the law will allow men to change their gender to female and women to male on official documents is incorrect.

The law clearly defines a “transgender person” as one who is “intersex” with a mixture of male and female genital features or a eunuch assigned the male gender at birth but undergoes castration or a trans person whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.

The Rules of the Act further clarify that a transgender person will have to approach the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) for a change of name or gender on identity documents, as per their self-perceived identity. And NADRA will only alter their gender from Female to the category “X” or Male to the category “X”.

“X” symbolises the third sex in Pakistan, a classification specially created for the trans community on the orders of the Supreme Court in 2009.

The law or the rules do not allow men to change their gender to female or vice versa on their CNICs, passports or other travel documents.

Apart from this, the law also allows transgender persons to register to obtain a driver’s licence and passport; prohibits harassment of transgender persons at home and in public places; stops people from discriminating against transgenders in educational institutions and workplaces, in trade and health services, when using public transport, and when buying, selling, or renting property.

The law also calls for the establishment of safe houses for transgender persons and the provision of medical and educational facilities and psychological counselling to them. 

Moreover, it makes it mandatory for the government to set up separate rooms at jails for transgenders and according to the law, they are also entitled to inherit property among other things. 

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According to him, it is a concerning and regrettable occurrence that there was a deliberate attack on the security personnel who were accompanying diplomats from eleven nations. By doing this, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa could face increased diplomatic isolation in addition to the risk to human life.

The province government is obviously not sincere in its attempts to bring about peace, according to the governor. Terrorists are given more confidence by their inaction. The opponents of Pakistan and Islam are putting together a bigger plot, which includes this attack.

He remarked, “I support the officers who were hurt.” It is getting increasingly difficult to tolerate the provincial government’s incapacity and carelessness in handling security-related issues.

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BRT Project Peshawar: BRT Project Saves NAB KP Rs. 168.5 Billion




The Provincial Government was successfully rescued from the contractor’s 31.5 billion rupee lawsuit in the International Court of Arbitration by the National Accountability Bureau, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The NAB opened an investigation in 2018 into claims that contractors in the Peshawar bus rapid transit project had submitted false performance guarantees, improperly obtained government cash, and obtained a contract that was not authorized.

For a few years, there was no significant advancement in the case. The current Director General, however, expedited the probe and saved 168.5 billion rupees by bringing the massive corruption scheme to a successful and efficient close.

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Report: Solar is expected to set new records this year.




In 2023, there was an expected 87% increase in growth. This year’s increase is 29% over the previous one, according to the research.

The cheapest source of electricity globally is solar power, and as such, it is expanding quicker than many anticipated, according to Euan Graham, an Ember electricity data analyst.

Ember estimates demonstrate the rapid growth of solar energy: in 2024 alone, new solar capacity will surpass the 540 GW of additional coal power added globally since 2010.

Expected to add 334 GW, or 56 percent of the global total in 2024, China continues to lead the globe in this industry.

According to the survey, it is followed by the US, India, Germany, and Brazil. These five nations will account for 75% of the new solar capacity in 2024.

According to the research, maintaining the sector’s growth required grid capacity and battery storage.

“Providing enough grid capacity and developing battery storage is critical for handling electricity distribution and supporting solar outside of peak sunlight hours as solar becomes more inexpensive and accessible,” the statement stated.

“Solar power might continue to surpass forecasts for the remainder of the decade if these issues are resolved and development is sustained.”

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