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Creating a Pharma Economic Zone between China and Pakistan. SIFC is a zone designed to attract investment and promote medical tourism.



To encourage medical tourism and draw investment into the pharmaceutical industry, the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) is thinking about creating China’s Pharma Economic Zone.

The government’s goal with this program is to create a medical health city that will give people access to every facility in the healthcare industry.

A Special Economic Zone for the pharmaceutical industry will be one of the SEZs that Pakistan is currently seeking to build under the CPEC.

China’s investment in the Pharma Zone, a necessary step toward improving Pakistan’s health sector, will be made easier under this project.

A proposal to deregulate the cost of pharmaceuticals is also being developed by the government in an effort to boost investment in the pharmaceutical sector.

To this end, the government has instructed the Ministry of Health to come up with a practical plan for setting pricing in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan.

Following the completion of the pre-feasibility study, the Ministry of Health has been instructed to draft an action plan right away.

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