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Decisions about operations within Pakistan belong to the sovereign: MOFA



The decision by Pakistan to launch an operation against terrorists within its borders is entirely its own.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is in Astana on an official visit to take part in the SCO summit today, according to the spokeswoman.
“The members of the SCO will also be met by the Prime Minister.” In Astana yesterday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also had meetings with a number of leaders, according to the spokesperson.

Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan

Mumtaz Baloch made a comment regarding the AfPak relations, stating that both Pakistan and Afghanistan communicate on issues of mutual interest and that these concerns were also discussed in the Doha talks.

ties between Pakistan and the US

According to the spokesman, Pakistan and the US communicate through a number of channels and “keep in touch with each other on various matters.”

Pakistan’s endorsement of Gaza

The official stated that the government of Pakistan has decided to require Gaza’s medical students to finish their education at Pakistan’s Medical College.

Gazan students are about to finish their education in a number of Pakistani medical schools. PMDC first provided students with the option to finish their studies in Pakistan.

The decision by Pakistan to launch an operation against terrorists within its borders is entirely its own.

Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch declared, “Pakistan does not believe in bloc politics” and insisted Pakistan would not participate in any international bloc.

Foreign Office spokesman Mumtaz Zahra Baloch stated that Pakistan does not support bloc politics.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch declared that Pakistan will not be a member of any multinational bloc.

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