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Ensuring Sustainable Economic Development: Finance Minister Agrees to Promote Growth Driven by the Private Sector



The government’s dedication to supporting growth driven by the private sector, with an emphasis on fostering an environment that is conducive to business, has been emphasized by Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb.

He was speaking with FLsmidth’s global CEO, Mikko Keto, who had paid him a visit in Islamabad.

The Finance Minister stressed Pakistan’s strategic transition to an export-led growth model at the conference in order to guarantee long-term economic prosperity in a number of areas.

He also outlined the continued initiatives of the government, which include the privatization of State-Owned Enterprises, extensive reforms to the Energy and Power Sectors, and changes to the tax code and public spending.

As stated by Muhammad Aurangzeb, our job is to guarantee that as much facilitation as possible is provided by the private sector.

Mikko Keto said thanks to Pakistan for its support and gave an update on the company’s expanding footprint in the nation.

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