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Foreign Office Dismisses Indian Minister’s IIOJK Remarks



Any story that implies the Jammu and Kashmir conflict has been resolved unilaterally, or that it can be resolved that way, is categorically rejected by Pakistan.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded to questions from the media about the recent remarks made by India’s Minister of External Affairs regarding Jammu and Kashmir. She said that such claims are dangerously delusional and misleading because they flagrantly ignore the reality on the ground.

She stated that the conflict between Jammu and Kashmir is one that is acknowledged globally and that needs to be settled in line with the decisions made by the UN Security Council as well as the desires of the Kashmiri people.

According to her, settling this unsolved dispute is essential to maintaining stability and peace in South Asia.

According to the spokesperson, India’s unilateral moves in unlawfully occupied Jammu and Kashmir cannot and will not alter the situation.

Pakistan is still devoted to communication and diplomacy, but it will meet any hostile action head-on with unwavering resolve.

She claimed that only a deal that respects the Kashmiri people’s fundamental rights and UNSC resolutions would bring about true peace and stability in South Asia.

Pakistan, according to the spokesperson, calls on India to stop using aggressive language and making unfounded claims regarding IIOJK and to start having serious conversations in order to find a fair, peaceful, and long-lasting solution to the Jammu and Kashmir conflict as well as long-lasting peace in South Asia.

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