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In Burewala, thieves steal gold valued at Rs. 15 million.



Six armed individuals reportedly broke into Muhammad Shehzad’s tractor showroom and held family members at gunpoint. These sources are from law enforcement.

They stole gold ornaments valued at Rs 12 million and cash around Rs 3 million. For an hour, the dacoits continued their pillage. City police arrived on the scene quickly and began looking into the event.

In another incident, the Karachi Federal B (FB) area police reported that they had apprehended a bandit gang that was allegedly targeting residents while riding motorcycles with kids in order to avoid the authorities.

A FB area police official revealed that a suspect who was caught last night in injured condition admitted to committing crimes while riding a motorbike with a three-year-old youngster.

According to the suspect, the gang was able to avoid police attention because the child was there when they were snap-checking.

Moreover, using the widely shared CCTV footage, law enforcement officials identify the individual who has been caught.

In addition, a number of cell phones that were taken from people in different places have also been found in the custody of the detained persons.

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