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India’s appalling HR Performance in IIOJK. Pakistani Envoy: Indian State Terrorism Won’t Break Kashmiris’ Spirit



Pakistan tells the UN that India’s appalling record on human rights in the unlawfully occupied Jammu and Kashmir will not deter people who are fighting for their rightful right to self-determination.

The Indian state terrorism in IIOJK, according to second secretary Rabia Ijaz, will not break the spirit of those pursuing their rightful right to self-determination. She made this statement in response to a speech made by an Indian delegate in the UN Security Council.

Concrete proof, according to Rabia Ijaz, has been submitted with the UN proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Indian agencies have backed and funded the BLA and TTP. She claimed that there is evidence of India’s assistance for such terrorist and subversive actions in the confession of Kulbhushan Yadav, the arrested Indian spy.

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