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Minister Promises Improvements in the Power Sector: The Government Is Willing To Provide Maximum Relief To Power Users



In order to give residential and commercial users the most respite possible, the government is committed to improving the power industry, according to Minister of Power Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari.

In remarks made to a private television channel, he outlined continuous initiatives to address deficiencies in the electricity industry. Several approaches are being investigated to quicken the privatization process, the minister said.

The Power Ministry, he added, is now studying the real power produced by plants as well as the patterns of energy use in the summer and winter.

He pledged that the issues of capacity payments and independent power producers will be immediately resolved.

The Minister indicated that preparations for distribution companies’ privatization are in the works, with some of the businesses scheduled for sale in the first round. The next steps will involve carrying out the plans for the remaining discos.

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