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Pakistan marks ‘Sanctity of Quran Day’ with national veneration



  • Nationwide protests take place on govt’s call.
  • “Quran is in our hearts,” Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says.
  • Muslim world outraged after man in Sweden burns Holy Quran.

Pakistan Friday observed ‘Yaum-e-Taqaddus-e-Quran’ to lodge a strong protest against the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden — a country that has repeatedly allowed such vile acts.

Demonstrations are being held nationwide, with people from different walks of life participating in the protests to express their resentment over the desecration of the holy book.

A person, who migrated from Iraq to Sweden, burned pages of the Holy Quran outside a mosque in Stockholm on the first day of Eid ul Adha, prompting outrage in the Muslim world and condemnation from Pope Francis.

On Tuesday, while presiding over a meeting in Islamabad, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif decided to stage countrywide protests over the incident and appealed to all the political parties and the nation to partake in the rallies.

“Speaking with one voice, the whole nation will give a message to the evil minds,” said the premier. He maintained that the nation will observe the “Youm-e-Taqaddus-e-Quran” on Friday.

Several demonstrations have been held throughout the country since the incident, with people belonging to other religions also partaking in them to express their annoyance over the desecration of the holy book.

In a tweet today, the PM said the nation stands united when it comes to Holy Quran, noting that not only Pakistanis but the entire Muslim world was concerned over the vile act.

The premier said people across the country would express their emotions over the heart-wrenching incident after Friday prayers, where “all Muslims will raise the flag of the Holy Quran’s honour and record their protest”.

“Quran is in our hearts. The Quran is not only a recitation for us but a guideline for living,” the prime minister added.

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden is another example of the rising Islamophobic mindset that seeks to dehumanise and denigrate Islam.

“It is an act of blatant provocation to try [to] inflame sentiments and undermine Islam as a religion of peace, tolerance, and acceptance,” the top diplomat said.

“Pakistan will be raising this issue at the UNHRC urgent debate in Geneva on behalf of the OIC Group on 11 July on the premeditated acts of desecration of Holy Quran.”

Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said the desecration of the holy book not only dehumanises Islam, but also deliberately seeks to provoke Muslim sentiment and ignite emotions to undermine the basic teachings of Islam as a religion of peace, tolerance, and acceptance.

“Pakistan will be raising this issue at the UNHRC urgent debate in Geneva on behalf of the OIC Group on 11 July on the premeditated acts of desecration of Holy Quran.”

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