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Secretary General CICA Makes a Call to the PM



Muhammad Shabaz Sharif, the prime minister, was visited in Islamabad today by Ambassador Kairat Sarybay, the secretary-general of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

With regard to CICA’s primary goals of bolstering regional cooperation and advancing peace, security, and stability in Asia through measures aimed at fostering confidence, the prime minister reiterated Pakistan’s support for them. To secure long-term peace and prosperity in the area, he emphasized the significance of tackling the underlying causes of disputes, implementing conflict prevention techniques, and creating long-term solutions.

The prime minister emphasized Pakistan’s eagerness to actively contribute to preserving world peace and security in its capacity as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council during the 2025–2026 term.

Additionally, the prime minister emphasized Pakistan’s strong desire for improved regional connectivity and applauded CICA’s continued initiatives in this path.

The Prime Minister was informed about CICA’s current projects and operations, as well as its suggested future direction, by Secretary-General Sarybay. He conveyed hope for ongoing close collaboration and appreciated Pakistan’s proactive and positive involvement within CICA.

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