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SIFC’s Outstanding Achievements: Significant Marks Made in the Agriculture Sector



During a one-year period, SIFC has been an amazing facilitator. Particularly in the area of agriculture, SIFC launched numerous ground-breaking projects.

Development of the agricultural sector saw a significant turning point with the establishment of the Land Information and Management System under the Green Pakistan Initiative. For farms, LIMS offers information on areas that need watering, fertilizing, and spraying, as well as climatic change.

In order to promote sustainable agricultural development, LIMS used contemporary irrigation techniques. An crucial step was taken when LIMS launched their website and mobile application. A potential source of productive agricultural land conversion, totaling 4.4 million acres, was discovered by LIMS.

Forming a business-to-business partnership with both foreign and domestic investors, including 600,000 acres. Under the Green Corporate and Livestock Initiative, the first shipment of high-bred cattle from Brazil—which consists of nine breeds—has arrived in Pakistan.

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