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The Traffic Response Unit in Lahore was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Punjab.



On Wednesday, the Traffic Response Unit was inaugurated in Lahore by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz.

During this event, the chief minister examined the motorcycles of the traffic response team. She engaged in a discussion with the wardens and questioned about the training and other related topics.

In addition, she monitored the message via a public address system in the event of a traffic congestion. Following the establishment of the Traffic Response Unit, a dedicated meeting was convened to discuss traffic management, with CM Maryam Nawaz presiding as the chairperson.

The chief minister established a specific time limit to enhance the movement of vehicles in Lahore. Maryam Nawaz instructed to offer an alternative location for wheel-carts to ensure the smooth movement of traffic.

In addition, she oversaw the implementation of measures to enforce lane discipline in all situations and initiated an awareness campaign targeting rickshaws and motorbikes to encourage them to stay inside their designated lanes.

The discussion involved an evaluation of the installation of the Intelligence Traffic Signal Management System in Lahore. She instructed relevant agencies to develop efficient and enduring strategies to address the problem of encroachments on highways.

CM Maryam also instructed the restoration of the screens that were established for traffic instruction. During the meeting, CTO Ammara Azhar provided a briefing stating that the specialized traffic response team will promptly respond to traffic congestion within 15 minutes of receiving a call.

The specialized unit, comprised of 50 robust motorcycles and 100 enforcers, would promptly undertake measures to alleviate the traffic congestion. In order to fulfill this objective, the Traffic Response Unit has undergone a specialized training program lasting one month.

Additionally, the Chief Technology Officer stated that the Traffic Response Unit received first aid training from the Red Crescent. Each motorbike will be equipped with a public address system and a first aid box. The traffic wardens will also capture footage using a specialized camera.

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